Protect Your Data With Online Backup

Never lose a single file with our online backup.

Your data is one of your most valuable and overlooked asset. Think of all the aspects of your business that is stored on your servers and/or computers – who owes you money, who you own money to, inventory, customers, prospects, compliance, safety and training documents.

How much would it take to rebuild all that data or could it be done at all? How can you be sure your backups are done regularly and thoroughly?

Cyberattacks, system failures, disasters & human error causing data loss can shut your business down for days, weeks or even permanently. Studies vary, but between 60% and 93% of businesses that lost or otherwise went without their data for up to 10 days filed for bankruptcy or just shut down within 1 year of the disaster.1, 2, 3

Let us help you ensure you are protecting your business, your employees and your family by protecting your data with our encrypted online backup that encrypts your data and uploads it to a secure data storage facility for immediate offsite data storage.

How Can online backups help your business??

Our Cloud Backup Services provide complete, comprehensive data protection with hyper-fast recovery, at scale. With long-term data storage and data retention options, hybrid on-premise and cloud solutions that reduce costs, and How? Our Cloud Backup Services provide complete, comprehensive data protection with hyper-fast recovery, at scale. With support for SQL Server, Exchange, Oracle, QuickBooks, Sage, and other  platforms, we pride ourselves on offering the highest-quality, fully HIPPA-compliant backups at the most affordable prices.

Benefits of Online (Cloud) Backup:

Quick, easy file access - Need your files, they are at your fingertips
Full-scale power failure protection
Anti-virus defense - Solid backups are the ONLY solid defense against Ransomware
Rapid recovery after operating system failure - Move your data where you need it in the event of a disaster

Most importantly, with ITI’s Smart Online Backup, you won’t have to worry about any of the details. We will fully maintain and manage your data retention with daily monitoring by our experienced technicians. Our system will alert us to backups that have failed, so that our team can reach out to correct the issue and ensure a reliable backup is completed each day. Gain peace of mind—let us take care of your data. Reach out today.


  • 8823 Madison Ave. Suite 102 Indianapolis, IN 46227
  • 317.885.7049


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